WHEC 2022 Ödülleri

Call for National Hydrogen Association 2022 Awards

National Hydrogen Association invites nominations for the “Nejat Veziroğlu Special Award”, “Technology Award”, “Young Researcher Award” and “Student Researcher Award”. The elective committees formed for the awards are composed of the five members determined by the Board of the National Hydrogen Association in coordination with the chairperson of the award committees. Instead of the members who cannot attend the elective committee due to resignation, excuse or death, new members are determined by the coordination of the association administration. 

Nejat Veziroğlu Special Award:  This award is dedicated to Prof. Dr. Nejat Veziroğlu, who is an international leader in hydrogen energy, the father of hydrogen technologies, and the permanent honorary president of the National Hydrogen Association. Those who will apply or be nominated to this award must meet the following conditions: i) To have proven themselves in the area of hydrogen energy technology both in domestic and international scales by taking active roles and contributing to National Hydrogen Association’s activities, ii) To have made internationally accepted contributions both in scientific and technical aspects in the field of hydrogen energy and technologies.

Technology Award:  This award recognizes organizations that are actively working on and developing hydrogen energy technologies. Companies or institutions may apply to this award themselves or they might be nominated by the Association members. The companies or institutions that are nominated or willing to apply for this award are expected to accomplish the followings: i) To have developed a product for the enhancement of hydrogen energy and technologies, ii) To have established pilot or industrial facilities in the field of hydrogen energy and technologies, iii) To have been patented or to have supported technology development in the field of hydrogen energy. Especially; application of developed or patented technology and contribution to the hydrogen economy is the reason for this award.

Young Researcher Award: This award is designed for researchers with at least a master’s degree who are under 35 years old as of the date of the next IHTEC conference (that the award ceremony is planned to take place). Candidates might apply directly to this award or they may be nominated. Candidates who apply or who are nominated for this award must have successfully carried out nationally and internationally successful studies on hydrogen energy technologies. Those who have inventions, who develop new applications or unique methods related to hydrogen energy technologies, will be the reason of preference for this award.

Student Researcher Award: This award is given to undergraduate or graduate students as of the date of application.   Candidates might apply directly or will be nominated to this award. Those who have inventions, who have developed new applications or original methods related to hydrogen energy technologies will be the reason of preference for this award. Candidates are expected to be below the age of 30 as of the date of the WHEC 2022 conference.

Winners of these prizes will be invited to attend 23. World Hydrogen Energy Conference WHEC 2022 in which they will participate in the award ceremony and their transportation and hotel expenses will be covered by the association.

Note: Multiple applications can be submitted and nominated, but the recipient cannot be nominated again in the same category.

Required Documents and Communication:

  • Reason for nomination or application to the selected award category (a comprehensive justification is required)
  • A very detailed resume of the candidate
  • List and disclose all works related specifically to the award.  The application will be sent electronically (direct to
    hidrojen@hidrojenteknolojileridernegi.org) and the hard copy directly to the association mailing address.

Evaluation Process:

Award Committees convene in the second half of May. The award secretariat assigned by the Association participates in the meetings in order to carry out the correspondence.

Award winners will be announced in June following the Award Committee’s assessment. Members who cannot participate in the electoral committee meetings are invited to vote via telephone or Skype or send their votes in written form to the Chairman of the Award Committee in advance. Written votes do not change during the replay of the votes. 

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