Enapter launches one-size-fits-all electrolyser; prepares for mass production

In an effort to boost the green hydrogen market, Enapter has today (March 1) launched its first standardised electrolyser suitable for mass production.

Dubbed EL 4.0, the anion exchange membrane (AEM) electrolyser is a one-size-fits-all solution for hydrogen production that can be stacked and scaled for projects of any size.

Enpater’s release is its fourth generation AEM electrolyser since 2017 and continues to feat low-cost materials, while providing the flexibility and compact size of PEM electrolysers.

Justus Schmidt, co-founder and CEO of Enapter, said, “The next milestone on our mission: Replacing fossil fuels with green hydrogen.…

(Source: https://www.h2-view.com/story/enapter-launches-one-size-fits-all-electrolyser-prepares-for-mass-production/ )
